Tuesday, May 11, 2010

First Photoshoot!

Went for our very first shoot with Mel at Joo Chiat and I must say it was really very fun! Lugged quite few bags of clothes, make-up and accessories over and we ended up creating a huge mess in the changing room at the studio.

Haha, and Mel lost her way again as usual! But thankfully she still manage to reach there in time for us to start the shoot as scheduled (: And she came bags of shoes and accessories to match with our outfits! So much more than what we asked her to bring (: THANKS MEL!

Turned out that our camera couldn't suit the studio equipment, so we rented a dslr from them. It's the first time Deon tries photography of any kind we both had a pleasant surprise when we saw how the photos turn out (: Just a bit too overexposed and got abit of glare (I dunno the real terms to use) but I think the photos are really good for a first-timer! KUDOS TO DEON :D

Wanted to take some behind-the-scenes photos to share, but I left my phone at home while rushing to the studio :( Will do so next time then, look out for our preview coming up soon!

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